My Journal

Communication Media


Environment to Anti-Environment – McLuhan

“From the development of phonetic script until the invention of the electric telegraph human technology had tended strongly toward the furtherance of detachment and objectivity, detribalization and individuality. Electric circuitry has quite the contrary effect. It involves in depth. It merges the...

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Acoustic Space – McLuhan

McLuhan, M. (1997). Media research: technology, art, communication: Routledge. In many preliterate cultures the binding power of oral tradition is so strong that the eye is subservient to the ear. … In our society, however, to be real, a thing must be visible, and preferably constant” (39). ...

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Myth and Mass Media – McLuhan

McLuhan, M. (1997). Media research: technology, art, communication: Routledge. “The effect of media, like their “message,” is really in their form and not in their content” (10). “The spectator or reader must now be co-creator” (12). In Myth and Mass Media, McLuhan discusses lan...

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