My Journal

social theory


Phenomenology and Sociology

Vaitkus, S. (2000). Phenomenology and Sociology. In Bryan S. Turner (Ed.). The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory. Second ed. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers. In this chapter from the larger text on social theory, Vaitkus discusses phenomenology in general and specifically, the soc...

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Social Information Processing Theory

SIPT explicitly assumes that individuals are motivated to form impressions and develop relationships of some kind, no matter what medium they are using (394). Walther, Joseph B., Leslie A. Baxter, and Dawn O. Braithewaite. "Social Information Processing Theory." Engaging Theories in Interpersonal C...

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Presence of the Word – Word as Sound

[C]ultures which do not reduce words to space but know them only as oral-aural phenomena, in actuality or in the imagination, naturally regard words as more powerful than do literate cultures” (112). Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History. T...

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