My Journal

media theory


Media Naturalness Theory

Kock, Ned. "The Ape That Used Email: Understanding E-Communication Behavior through Evolution Theory." Communications of AIS 5 3 (2001): 29. In my last posts, I’ve discussed media richness theory and media synchronicity theory, the former being foundational for the latter. Another theory on comm...

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Media Synchronicity Theory

My last post discussed media richness theory. While it is not without worth for my research purposes, the theory is somewhat limited in ways that have been discussed by various authors, including Dennis and Valacich in their 1998 article, "Beyond Media Richness: An Empirical Test of Media Synchronic...

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Media Richness Theory

During my TTU Presentation in May, Dr. Eaton noted that I ought to check out media richness theory, since I might find some hints at these terms I’m trying to define, such as what I know I was incorrectly calling “humanness” (watch for upcoming posts on new terms). I’ve looked into this theo...

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