My Journal

discourse & technology


The Social/Rhetorical/Epistemic Situation of Audio-Visual Discussion

This post is in response to This comment, which essentially inquires as to the way in which elements of primary AND which elements of secondary orality play into: Orally-based web 2.0 technologies; Interpersonal relationships and the associated oral communication patterns; People in front of th...

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Semi-Synchronous Communication: Adding Notes in Viddler.

Last week, I was discussing with someone the ability one has to add textual comments (annotations) to the timeline of online videos, such as in YouTube and Viddler. In this way, one is commenting textually at certain points in the timeline of the video. This is rather exciting, since it breaks a lim...

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Ann Marie Seward Barry on Visual Rhetoric

Barry, Ann Marie Seward. 1997. “Perception and Visual Common Sense.” Visual Intelligence. Albany: SUNY Press _________________ Here is the Q&A for this Barry article on Perception and Visual Common Sense: 1.On p. 66, Barry notes that "it is not enough to be 'visually literate.'" How doe...

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