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Blog Right Sidebar

Back in Black… and Maroon

OK, I’ve been away from here for a while, tending to teaching and other duties, including this new blog/Web site design, which is still not quite complete as of this date. I have not been hugely active in blogging on digital orality since last Fall. However, if all goes as planned, this blog is ab...

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Parker on Powerpoint

Parker presents a few characteristics of Powerpoint that do not seem to be as unique as she suggests. She states that PowerPoint breaks with the usual idea of a software application as a tool (instead a car, suit of clothes, or plastic surgery?) in that you can take it with you, you are judged by i...

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Modularity of New Media

Lev Manovich sites the five principles of New Media as Numerical Presentation, modularity, automation, variability, and transcoding. It is the second category, modularity, with which I seem to take issue. Manovich calls modularity the "fractal structure of new media." This is to say that many exampl...

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What is New Media?

After reading Manovich’s chapter on this topic, my concept of defining new media is a bit fuzzy. I can provide examples of new media tools and features, but of increasing worth is the ability to provide a list of characteristics of what is and what is not new media. Manovich addressed exactly thes...

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