My Journal

November 2007


Redundancy … repeated … again.

Continuing the conversation regarding redundancy or repetition (from 11.21.07), this concept can be seen as a large difference in the digital orality and new media psyche, quite separate from the writing psyche. "Since redundancy characterizes oral thought and speech, it is in a profound sense mor...

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Redundant or Copius – Backlooping

“Thought requires some sort of continuity. Writing establishes in the text a 'line' of continuity outside the mind. If distraction confuses or obliterates from the mind the context out of which emerges the material I am now reading, the context can be retrieved by glancing back over the text selec...

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The Syntactic Style of Digital Orality

Another aspect of digital orality style takes into consideration how meaning is established and to what extent grammar and syntax play into that. “Chirographic structures look more to syntactics (organization of the discourse itself).... Written discourse develops more elaborate and fixed gramma...

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The Style of Digital Orality

This is sort of a continuation of yesterday’s discussion on residual styles following the transition from oral to literary and then on to (not back to) a new orality. When considering the ways in which we organize our speeches, podcasts, etc., are there identifiable styles and inspirations? There ...

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