My Journal

social theory


Computer-Mediated Communication: Interpersonal – Walther

Walther, J. B. (1996). Computer-mediated communication: Impersonal, interpersonal, and hyperpersonal interaction. Communication Research, 23(1), 3-43. Interpersonal Continuing from the Last post, after considering the impersonal perspective of CMC, Walther goes on to look at the interpersonal pe...

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Social Information Processing Perspective (SIPP)

Kim, Junghyun. “Interpersonal Interaction in Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) : Exploratory Qualitative Research based on Critical Review of the Existing Theories” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Marriott Hotel, San Diego, CA, May 27, 20...

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Social Construction of Technology

Another theoretical framework that I will apply to my study is the social construction of technology as a model to consider the social context of new technology. According to Pinch & Bijker (1987), a key assumption of this theory is that innovation is a complex process of co-construction in which te...

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Transactional Rhetoric

In Rhetoric and Reality (1987), James A. Berlin created a three-part taxonomy of rhetoric theories, based on epistemology. Objective rhetoric asserts that reality is empirically verifiable and in the material world. Subjective rhetoric states that reality is not material, but rather exists within th...

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