My Journal



Research Question Mindmap

Having discovered (or been directed to), I have been playing with this great tool and developed some mindmaps in the general aim of the dissertation. This is really an excellent tool for organizing thoughts. Of course it is logical for applying to one's own papers. projects, and ideas. How...

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Parker on Powerpoint

Parker presents a few characteristics of Powerpoint that do not seem to be as unique as she suggests. She states that PowerPoint breaks with the usual idea of a software application as a tool (instead a car, suit of clothes, or plastic surgery?) in that you can take it with you, you are judged by i...

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Modularity of New Media

Lev Manovich sites the five principles of New Media as Numerical Presentation, modularity, automation, variability, and transcoding. It is the second category, modularity, with which I seem to take issue. Manovich calls modularity the "fractal structure of new media." This is to say that many exampl...

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What is New Media?

After reading Manovich’s chapter on this topic, my concept of defining new media is a bit fuzzy. I can provide examples of new media tools and features, but of increasing worth is the ability to provide a list of characteristics of what is and what is not new media. Manovich addressed exactly thes...

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Be Enterprising and Show Us the Water

A student wrote me last night with some excellent information for the class. All ASU students and faculty (anyone with an ASUrite ID) can download a little client (Mac or PC) to his or her desktop and use a ton of free software, including the major Adobe design apps, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, and othe...

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